Wade Institute Customized Professional Learning Services
Providing virtual and on-site science professional learning that engages the curiosity and wonder of students and inspires teachers!
Depending on your school district’s needs, we can provide either an on-site professional development program, a virtual program, or a combination of both platforms.
Our Customized Professional Learning programs support both on-site and remote STEM instruction.
Wade Institute Customized Professional Learning Services…
- provide professional learning experiences tailored to teachers’ needs within a school or district
- align with the 2016 MA Science and Technology/Engineering Framework
- model the use of the Science and Engineering Practices for instruction and assessment
- apply inquiry-based science instruction strategies
- share resources for engaging and effective remote science and engineering instruction
- provide skills to develop phenomena-based units and investigations
- foster teachers’ use of inquiry-based, hands-on instruction and assessment
- support school-based initiatives to strengthen science instruction and assessment
- use a variety of scheduling options to offer sustained learning experiences to promote lasting change
Wade Institute Customized Professional Learning Services promote:
- integrating literacy, math, and critical thinking skills in science instruction
- using productive talk and gallery walks effectively
- implementing phenomena-based instruction
- strengthening students’ written and oral communication about science
- creating an inclusive and equitable science learning environment
The educators at the Wade Institute who design, develop and deliver the Customized Professional Learning Services programs are…
- highly credentialed and experienced K-12 science education specialists
- skilled in the use of inquiry-based, hands-on science instruction
- responsive to identified professional learning needs
- well-versed in the Massachusetts Science and Technology/Engineering Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards
- available to work directly with classroom teachers on-site or remotely to support their implementation of inquiry-based instruction and the Science and Engineering Practices
We are an OpenSciEd Certified Organization, and in addition to our Customized Professional Learning Services, we can provide support for OpenSciEd.
OpenSciEd is:
- a high-quality, open source curriculum that has been pilot tested by Massachusetts schools
- a nationally recognized NGSS and MA STE Framework-aligned high-quality science curriculum – all available for free
- centered on phenomena-based storyline units that are student driven
- has a Massachusetts OpenSciEd Scope and Sequence of Units Recommendation available from MA DESE
- supports equitable science learning

To learn more about OpenSciEd and how our Education Specialists can provide support for an OpenSciEd launch or continued OpenSciEd support for your district, please visit our OpenSciEd page.
For more information about Customized Professional Learning:
Visit our Customized Professional Learning Services Education Specialists page to learn more about the educators preparing and delivering your Customized Professional Learning Services program.
Contact the Wade Institute at wadeinstitute@wadeinstitutema.org or 617-328-1515 to learn more about how we can help your school or district enrich the science learning experiences of your students through customized professional learning for your teachers.
The Wade Institute encourages districts interested in partnering with each other to bring these professional learning experiences to their teachers to contact us. Partnering with other schools fosters teacher collaboration, enriches the learning environment and can make the PD more cost-effective!
Customized Professional Learning Services Testimonials:
The overall highlights of the Remote Learning sessions were the… “resources from Wade and input from my colleagues…what a wealth of knowledge there was in that meeting!”
“I love this type of learning, especially for my special education students who learn and show knowledge in a variety of ways.”
“It was very helpful to participate in an investigation that I can use in the classroom. It was valuable to see the progression of the standards both across the grade levels and the content areas.”
“The Wade Institute instructors continue to impress me with their responsiveness to our needs and willingness to adjust plans to best provide us with learning experiences that are informative, engaging, and have a positive impact on science instruction in our schools.”
“The exposure to many types of models was excellent. This was professional development time in our discipline well spent!”
“Wade is an exceptional organization to work with! They have quickly adapted to our never ending changing needs, while still focusing on the rigor of teaching with NGSS in mind. Thank you!”
“I love how the activities and information is actually useful and the materials are affordable and attainable.”
“The organization and preparation for all the [remote] sessions were really great…! Really easy to follow and the sessions had a good flow. Thanks for doing them!”